

Pioneering Discoveries Innovative Precision

Revolutionizing Drug Discovery with In Vitro Assays and Advanced Technologies

Welcome to Cytohub’s Drug Discovery page, where we propel scientific innovation and revolutionize the field of pharmaceutical development. In addition to our expertise in cell and gene therapy, we offer a range of advanced in vitro assays that reflect in vivo biology. Our capabilities encompass iPSC-derived mini-hearts and 3D cultures, disease modeling, primary cell-based assays, and in vitro technology studies. Through these groundbreaking approaches, we accelerate the drug discovery process, enabling the development of safe and effective therapies for patients worldwide.

In Vitro Assays Reflecting In Vivo Biology: Bridging the Gap

Cytohub understands the importance of establishing robust in vitro assays that faithfully mimic the complexities of in vivo biology. Our team of scientists and researchers design and optimize assays that closely resemble physiological conditions, allowing for more accurate evaluation of drug candidates. By leveraging advanced technologies and state-of-the-art techniques, we bridge the gap between traditional in vitro models and the intricate in vivo environment, enhancing the translational relevance of our drug discovery efforts.

iPSC-Derived Mini-hearts and 3D Cultures: Unleashing Therapeutic Potential

Harnessing the power of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), Cytohub develops mini-hearts and 3D cultures that replicate the structural and functional characteristics of human organs. These advanced models offer a highly relevant platform for drug discovery, enabling the assessment of drug efficacy, toxicity, and mode of action in a more physiologically accurate setting. iPSC-derived mini-hearts and 3D cultures revolutionize the screening process, leading to improved candidate selection and enhanced success rates in clinical trials.

Primary Cell-Based Assays: Capturing Native Cellular Phenotypes

Primary cells serve as a critical resource in drug discovery, as they retain the native characteristics and phenotypes of their tissue of origin. CytoHub utilizes primary cell-based assays to evaluate drug candidates, providing a more accurate representation of human biology. These assays capture the diversity and complexity of cell populations, enabling the assessment of drug response in specific cell types and disease contexts. By incorporating primary cell models into our drug discovery workflows, we enhance the predictive power of preclinical testing.